
フヨウ (Cotton Rosemallow)

 フヨウ(芙蓉、アオイ科)。2011年8月29日、ウォーキング途中で撮影。『ウィキペディア』(英語版)の "Hibiscus mutabilis" (フヨウの学名)のページには次の説明がある。


Cotton rosemallow, also known as confederate rose; botanical name, Hibiscus mutabilis; family, Malvaceae. The photo was taken on my way of walking exercise, August 29, 2011. The "Hibiscus mutabilis" page of Wikipedia includes the following explanation:

In ancient China, the flowers are believed to resemble beautiful ladies. A Chinese proverb runs: "Cotton rosemallow out of the Water" (出水芙蓉), meaning a young lady of appreciated beauty.

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